Amansala Bikini Bootcamp Instructors In Tulum


Melissa Perlman

Founder and CEO of Amansala, Bikini Bootcamp, Restore ‘n’ Renew, Beach Bootcamp

Her love for what she does is reflected everywhere, from the details in the rooms to the music playing in the classes, the food served in the restaurant, and the well-selected staff she hires.

She feels blessed to have found her life’s calling, and her warmth is contagious.

She often says she feels like she is having one continuous dinner party with amazing people coming week after week.

She is a mother of two and resides with her family in Tulum, where she continues to be hands-on in making Amansala the special place it is.


We are always looking for good trainers and fitness professionals!

Send us a little bit about yourself as well as how long you are interested in working.

A photo would be appreciated.